• How does funding work?

    Privately funded or FREE

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    Privately funded

    All our services can be privately funded by families.

    Cost of privately funded services:


    Conductive Education: From £50 per hour

    Bespoke packages available, e.g. pairs or small groups - pricing on request


    Specialist SEND Tutoring: Variable costs, depending on requirements. Please ask for details


    Other support: Please contact us here for more information

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    Funding through other charities

    We aim to make our services as accessible as possible . You can apply for some or all of the costs of the intervention through certain charities. We can supply supporting documents on request:


    The Gem Foundation - A local foundation providing small grants for intervention to children with disabilities. Please email gemfoundation2006@gmail.com for more information.

    Turn 2 Us – Turn2us is a national charity that helps people in financial hardship to gain access to welfare benefits, charitable grants and support services. You can use the Grant’s Search tool to help you find support in your area.

    Just 4 Children – Just4Children is passionate about the relief of sickness and preservation of health of children in the UK and Ireland by providing and assisting in the provision of grants to enable them to obtain medical treatment, therapies, living environments, equipment and holidays which would not otherwise be available to them.

    Tree of Hope – Tree of Hope support seriously ill and disabled children and their families all over the UK and Ireland, to raise funds for medical treatment, therapy and equipment that is unavailable through the UK healthcare system.

    The Boparan Charitable Trust – The Boparan Charitable Trust are passionate about transforming the lives of children with disabilities, life-limiting illnesses and those who are in extreme poverty across the UK.

    Disability Grants – Website which helps you to find suitable grants available.

    Family Fund Families in the UK can apply for support.

    Hospital Saturday Fund– The Hospital Saturday Fund is a registered charity whose aims are to provide assistance for registered health charities, hospices, medical organisations and individuals with a medical condition or disability. For individuals, we can provide help with the purchase of specialised equipment or forms of treatment.



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    You can ask for the specialist intervention to be included in your child's Education and Health Care Plan (EHCP).  This would ensure the intervention is carried out on a regular basis, either at your child's school, or at one of our support hubs.  Our services may also be funded through Personal Budgets or Direct Payments.  We can help support you and your application in this process

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    School funding

    You can ask your child's school if they would fund some of the  costs of the interventions. This may be of interest if the school would like to train some of their staff in the approach