with Anna Golamy
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with Anna Golamy
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From some of our proud parents
Parents of 5 year old K
'Before meeting Anna, we had been told that our daughter (aged 5, who has cerebral palsy) would never walk or talk, and would need help with everything. She was the first person to have belief in K, and knew exactly how to help her. She taught K (and us) to reach for the stars. After taking part in Conductive Education programmes with Anna, K can now feed herself, help to get herself dressed, go to the toilet (with a little bit of help) walk with a walking aid, and has even begun standing and stepping on her own. We don't know where we would be if we hadn't discovered Conductive Education'
Parents of 6 year old M
'My son had lots of health issues after birth, leaving him severely brain-damaged. We have had lots of appointments and heard lots about what he won't be able to do, but Anna was the first person to see what he might be able to do. She helped him to understand how he could move his body, how he could relax his tight muscles enough to stretch and play with toys. He has learned how to communicate his needs with us without the frustrations he used to have. I think the best moment came when he learned how to give me a hug, which was the best feeling in the world'
Parents of 8 year old S
'Anna has taught my daughter how to use both sides of her body really well. She has spasticity on her right side and didn't like to use her arm, but now she is using it much more. Anna has also taught her how to walk around much more safely, which means we get much fewer falls'
Parents of 2 year old M
' Before my sonstarted with Independent Steps, he was almost 2 and not yet walking independently. Anna was great at engaging him and adapting things when he got distracted or didn't want to do things as 2 year olds are inclined to do! In just 5 weeks, my little boy went from pulling himself up, cruising and only walking supported to being able to walk and stand independently! Independent Steps support played a key role in this. We worked on his balance primarily and Anna was great at giving us activities to practise during the week, which really helped to accelerate his progress. We couldn't be more pleased with the progress that he made. Anna was always friendly and helpful. She listened to what our goals were for the session and help us to achieve them. I would thoroughly recommend Independent Steps and conductive
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